Monday, October 15, 2007

2007 Missouri Instructional Technology Conference

Even though it was arranged before being named the Missouri Teacher of the Year, I thought I would include my participation at the 2007 MOREnet Instructional Technology Conference at Tan-Tar-A Resort in Osage Beach.

On Sunday night I gave a workshop on creating podcasts. I enjoy giving preconference workshops because it was 2 hours of hands on practice. Monday morning I gave the keynote address to start the conference and spoke about using Web 2.0 in the classroom. It was great to share some ideas with a large audience and the feedback was extremely positive for the rest of the conference. Later on Monday I gave breakout sessions on podcasting and the Guerrilla Season book blog project. I would have loved to stay for the sessions on Tuesday but I needed to return to my classroom and since my wife and I are expecting the birth of our second child soon it was important to be closer to home.

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