Saturday, March 1, 2008

Northwest Council for Computing Education Conference - Seattle, Washington

I'm in Seattle for the 2008 NCCE Conference (Northwest Council for Computer Education). I will present on Friday as the Missouri Teacher of the Year on the topic of using Microsoft applications such as PhotoStory and MovieMaker along with Web 2.0 tools.

I arrived in Seattle on Wednesday afternoon - after a 2 hour delay from the Kansas City airport due to a part being replaced on the plane prior to takeoff - and headed down to the Pike Place Market. I love this place. I was here once before and the amount of fresh fruit, vegtables, fish, crafts, etc. is just incredible. I took a bunch of pictures, visited the original Starbucks and caught an amazing sunset over the Puget Sound next to the Pike Place Market.

Looking forward to a great day of attending sessions and getting some new ideas from the great people here in the Northwest.

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