Friday, October 5, 2007

Blue Bell Ice Cream Day at South Valley Jr. High

South Valley Jr. High students enjoying Blue Bell ice cream on October 5th at lunch.

On Friday, October 5th - we had a special treat at school as Blue Bell Ice Cream provided all of the students and staff at South Valley Junior High with ice cream in honor of the Teacher of the Year recognition. Blue Bell representatives on hand included Lisa Chism, Glenn Silvis and Lauren Anderson.

During lunch each student was given a cup of Blue Bell ice cream and they also were gracious enough to provide me with a gallon of my favorite Blue Bell ice cream - Rocky Road. My wife and I are huge ice cream fans - we actually first met when I asked her out for come ice cream while taking a graduate class - so it was a big hit with my family.

Lauren Anderson and Glenn Silvis of Blue Bell help Eric Langhorst hand out ice cream to South Valley Jr. High students at lunch on October 5.

Thanks to Blue Bell Ice Cream for taking the time and effort to support the Missouri Teacher of the Year program. It is great appreciated and provided the school with a treat to celebrate the end of another great week here at SVJH.

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